Claims Information

The MyCare programs are not intended to replace services available in the Canadian public healthcare system and does not interfere in emergency medical care. MyCare is subject to a pre-existing condition clause.

MyCare members may request assistance with a diagnosis if a serious medical condition has not been diagnosed within sixty (60) days of their first evaluation by their attending primary care Physician, Specialist or Surgeon OR may request a medical second opinion when the Member is uncertain of a diagnosis already provided by their attending primary care Physician, Specialist or Surgeon.

Members who wish to receive benefits under this program are required to submit a Notice of Claim form. It is the responsibility of the claimant to produce any documentation required by any and/or all duly appointed representatives of MyCare to enable them to process and confirm the eligibility of the claim. Claim eligibility will be determined by MyCare in consultation with the Member’s Physician, Specialist or Surgeon.

Notice of Claim Form

Once the Notice of Claim form is received, MyCare's medical team will review the form to ensure claim validity and/or gather any pertinent medical information. Upon review of this information, a MyCare claims coordinator will contact you to discuss next possible steps.

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